About Our Church.
Exodus is a full gospel movement that believes in reaching out to this generation with the Gospel of JESUS CHRIST. At Exodus, we want you to experience Jesus through anointed worship, life-changing messages, and friendly people. We encourage you to get to know us as better as we share about the church, its vision, its leadership, and its activities. Remember, You are precious for Jesus Christ!

Our Story
Exodus Christian Centre
In 2022, we at Exodus Church took an exciting step forward by moving to a new, spacious location called the Exodus Christian Centre. This new centre provides us with ample space for worship, teaching, and community activities, as well as opportunities for growth and outreach in our community. We are thrilled to have this new home, and we invite you to come and experience the energy and enthusiasm of our church community in this beautiful new space.
Exodus Church Begins
In January 2002, Exodus church was established in the city of Cochin. As one body, Exodus believes that we are a Church commissioned for a Global Harvest to “Go and make disciples of all the nations.” (Matthew 28:18-20) as an end-time harvest force and called to prepare a “Glorious church”, for the return of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Exodus Rock Band
Exodus began its journey as a Rock band with a group of young individuals. In September 1997, through the leading of the Holy Spirit, the members committed themselves towards ministry to serve God and His people.
Exodus is founded on the Great Commission of the Lord to “go and preach the gospel to all nations”, making disciples and preparing them to be the salt and light of the earth. Today, Exodus is a multi-faceted ministry that includes Church planting, Bible School, Counseling, Educational programs, Child Care Centers, and various community development projects which operate across India and reaching other nations.
Global Harvest, Glorious Church.
We are a Church commissioned for a Global Harvest to
“go and make disciples of all the nations”
as an end-time harvest force and called to prepare a “Glorious Church“, for the return of the Lord Jesus.
Exodus is a Christ-centered, Bible-based Church, glorifying God in spirit and in truth, with a vision to reach out to the world, with the gospel of Jesus Christ.
We manifest the presence of God through passionate prayer, anointed praise and worship, ministry of the Word, and a lifestyle of holiness.
We as a Church honor and value people who are in hopeless and impossible circumstances and we believe that God has a wonderful plan and purpose for their lives. So we affirm in all our services that “YOU ARE PRECIOUS FOR JESUS”.
We exist to love and care for all people who come to us and whom we come across.
Exodus is a missionary Church that equips and sends disciples to the unreached parts of this nation and the world.
We nurture personal/spiritual growth through teaching kingdom values and principles that equip believers to serve in the world as salt and light.
We are committed to raising, training, and equipping a mature leadership generation that will accomplish all the purposes of God.
Exodus is a church of the future! As an end-time harvest force, with national and global impact.